Our services include a comprehensive list of offerings specifically designed to help people in need of assistance, guidance, and consultation in a variety of areas, including community and charitable needs, court and judicial requirement issues, real estate holdings and property tax refunds.
JAG Consultants OSM
Warehouses 4 Good - Providing Food Banks to Rural America
JAG Consultants OSM has provided commercial construction management services for over 15-years. We are excited to have been selected by this organization, which, in 2020, began its unprecedented initiative to locate, build, and establish full-time, operational Food Banks across rural America. Working in cooperation with the US Department of Agriculture, this program is set to locate, build, and facilitate the start-up of 100 food banks over the course of the next 10-years, specifically serving those areas of our Country that have been traditionally underserved due to time, distance, and location limitations.
JAG Asset Recovery
Personal Property Tax Refunds from Excess Proceeds
JAG Asset Recovery specializes in helping others recover tax refund money as a result of excess proceeds from County tax auction sales. There are a variety of reasons why real property may be lost due to a tax foreclosure, it happens all of the time. The good news is that, once a foreclosed property is sold at a County auction, there may be excess proceeds as a result of the auction sale. Using records from counties across Texas, JAG Asset Recovery assists people, in such situations, to navigate the process of working through the courts to obtain any monies (excess proceeds), that may be available for the last known property owner, or his/her heirs, to claim. www.getmypropertytaxrefund.com
JAG ADM Holdings
Keeping Drivers and Passengers Safe while on the Road
JAG Auto Detail & More works with DMV and judicial authorities requiring court-ordered ignition interlocks for personal vehicles. As a certified installer and servicer of ignition interlock systems for cars and trucks, JAG Auto Detail & More offers 24/7 bilingual customer service, professional installations and de-installations, and ongoing calibration and related services ... all with the perfect combination of discretion and functionality. Ignition interlock systems have proven to provide safer roadways across Texas, and America, and JAG ADM Holdings is proud to be a part of that success.
JAG Real Estate Investments
Real Estate Investment Assistance
JAG Real Estate Investments provides a variety of services for residential property investors. Television shows depicting the ease of buying, fixing, and selling real estate as commonplace are far from reality. This process can be time consuming, expensive, and extremely stressful. JAG Real Estate Investments works with individuals in need of planning, financing, cost and schedule trending, and sub-contractor resources.